The Scientist's View


So happy together

Well it is round 2 for Obama and the mayor of NYC. Obama and Bloomberg.

This is a match made in heaven and solves alot of problems for Obama. Having the multi-billionaire on the ticket is a very strong vote for business. Bloomberg is no dull conservative - he is very saavy at working both sides against the middle. The mere fact that someone has made an estimated 13 billion and rides the subway to work is something that makes the working man smile.

Maybe not smile, but at least they know that someone is riding the same train as them. And when was the last time you saw Hillary take the Metro? Living in DC for years- never heard about the Dem high-priestess descending into the bowels of the city to get around. The point has to be this - Obama came from us and Bloomberg, while not one of us, reminds us that he is not above us. This makes a Obama and Bloomberg ticket lethal to the Republicans and the Dems. Here is a ticket that is progressive and experienced. Obama worked his way through the system and Bloomberg made a fortune explaining the system. United on a single ticket, they offer something that is an antidote to what we all have expected.

Hillary's coronation is not only troubled - this Obama/Bloomberg ticket would drive the stake into the heart of the Clinton legacy. Hope is not just a town for Bill and Huckabee - it is a notion that stirs the heart. Could we actually have a ticket that is heart-felt and driven by the market at the same time?

This flap over Hillary in Bosnia is not just fodder - no, it is emblematic of Hill politics at its worst. Here is a serious candidate using a trip to a war zone as some emblem of her capability. She, dogmatically, stated that she was runnning from the bombs at the airport. Well, do you drag your 16 year old daughter in tow to a war zone? Do you think about the fact that there are photographers taking your picture on the tarmac smiling and waving? Sinbad, the comedian, was on the same flight and noted that he never got hit by shrapnel. This is politics at its worst - Hillary is desperate to show her credentials by fabricating something that never happened. She is so desperate to run from the First Lady role - or more accurately, turn it into something more than what it was. Meet and greet, that is all it was in Bosnia - pictures, in this case, offer only one word - LIAR. Meanwhile, she churns it into a version of the "Winds of War". Shameless. Utterly shameless.

The worst part is that she doesn't have to do this. She has cheapened the First Lady role of advocacy into some tawdry telenovela - she tells us that she is battle-hardened beyond the "vast right wing conspiracy" - and this is her evidence - waves and smiles with Chelsea, in tow?

There is nothing worse than having someone on the bubble who lies - not stretches the truth a wee bit - but flat out lies. An, all of this, in the vain attempt to burnish her record.

It is becoming an alarming pattern that Hillary will bring up anything to separate her shortcomings from her. Having her attack dogs go after Obama about youthful drug use was just silly given her linkage to the "I didn't inhale". Her need to dig into Obama's land deals are just silly when she have Whitewater hanging over her head. It is as if she has taken all her shortcomings (or whatever you might call them, liabilities might be a better word) - and projects them.

Just stop. Please. Hillary is not giving me a reason to vote for her - rather, she is giving me a list of reasons to vote against her. And just a few months ago - this was unfathomable. She is not presenting herself as a leader - she is busy trying her best to self-destruct with these antics. Add to this mess, Bill wagging his finger, red faced, on every network about how Hillary is the best person. It is just sad to see this whole legacy of the Clintonian dynasty fall upon itself. But they cannot, this time, point the finger at Tom Delay, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, or their minions. Nope, the Clintons are digging their grave all alone.

The bet is this - Obama/Bloomberg vs. McCain/Romney. The result is a no-brainer -to me and many others. Hillary's desparate moves in Michigan and Florida look even more contrived against the ideal Obama-berg Dem ticket. Poor John Edwards - he just stands and watches (with his unregulated Theresa Heinz Kerry-esque wife) with Hillary's bid for VP as his only lifeline. Not gonna happen. Not gonna work.

At the end of the day and when all is said and done - Hillary has become a shell of her original self - her desperation is evident- and thusly all the more damming. If only she could stick to the facts and keep it all above the fray. But she cannot. She, in spite of the obviousness of her peril, will not. A vote for her is not only regressive - but it supports the ideal that an insider is the only viable candidate - it is just plain rubbish. And I am full of shadenfreude at her own self-inflicted demise. She had every advantage, via Bill, to win - but all she can seem to do is try to lose.

Obama/Bloomberg - so happy together!


At 12:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG you're posting again. I'm in shock.

At 6:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As for Hillary being a shell of her former self, I think certian people are only now seeing the Clintons for what they really are. So many people were blinded to them, and I still can't see why.


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