The Scientist's View


hottie guv

Well now that Guv Ehrlich has gone the way of the dinosaurs (to his credit: he was always funny on the Junkies on Fridays), there is a new Guv in Annapolis, and I have to confess, he is kinda hot. He plays in a band and shows off his guns in sleeveless T-shirts. The Post had a similar, but better and B&W, pic of him last week. when turning the page and seeing that pic, i experienced the gay vapors - and it wasn't from my morning coffee rush.
However sadly,I could not find that pic (honey, I am in a hurry cause I gotta catch the public transportation to work and that RideOn bus driver on the 127 always leaves early), but here is Martin O'Malley onstage and looking all "rocker hot".


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