The Scientist's View


From the HRC website

FYI - Ann Coulter was on every talk show on the planet yesterday spewing her hate. Does anyone get a punishment for bad bevavior these days???

Top title:

John Amaechi Condemns Ann Coulter's Remarks

Title ought to read:

John Aravosis Slams Ann Coulter as a Hate Monger and Proposes Direct Action: His Interview with Joe Solmonese (read the transcript or see the youtube video)

Second to top title:

Hillary Clinton Addresses HRC Volunteers

Title ought to read:

HRC Confirms All Major Repulican Candidates have Condemned Ann Coulter's Behavior

Third to top:

Gay Marine Comes Out

Title ought to read:

Another Veteran Joins the Family - Let's hope he's a top


At 9:20 AM, Blogger Mike said...

The current state of politics in the U.S. I'm afraid. Absolutely disgraceful. When they start hearding us into boxcars, I'm heading for Saskatchewan.


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