Quick update...
Chaka is healing nicely - I trucked him down to practice on Thursday. I volunteered to hold the rucking pad and had my glasses knocked off several times - when you weigh 170 soaking wet and 250 pound men are running into you full-on, it is gonna happen. Anyways, Chaka has a new friend Shaggy. I am not sure how Shaggy came to the team - but I met him at the St. Patty's Day drink-up. Shaggy was in rare form that night and he and Chaka started texting each other - Chaka was still recuperating in Pittsburgh at Daddy-O's pad. Anyways, since returning from Pittsburgh, Shaggy and Chaka are now spending time together. So nice to make new friends.
Jimbo, back from his Western Adventure, is looking sunned and rested. His wintertime lull is nearing its end and we chatted some at practice.
The Young Lovers are doing well. Who knew that Delicate Flower had a chopper? Apparently he got it running and was riding around Takoma yesterday. Bubba said that DF and Chaka were headed down for afternoon drinks. Unfortunately, I did not get home from work until after 8pm. PnJ was looking dapper on Thursday - he was coming straight from the Capitol, busy moving and shaking with the Legislative Branch.
After practice, the crew headed down to Dakota Cowgirl for cocktails and bar food. Mark and Sam (Mark joined the team last season and Sam is the rugby widow) had a few nibbles with us. I was asking about people's go-to move in oral sex and it came out that Mark and Sam have been together for 23 years. The table, of course, went silent. It was like we had just seen an ivory billed woodpecker land in front of us. After collecting myself, I asked (semi-rhetorically) how they have made it 23 years. Mark opens his mouth to answer and Shaggy tosses out "Scat, lots and lots of scat".
Flawless. Absolutely flawless.
Speaking of scat. I just found this website called Snack or Scat. Take a look - I cannot decide what is more disturbing, the content or that someone actually put together a page called Snack or Scat.
In honor of Divine who made poo-consumption fit for the masses...I give you the spot where the snacking occurred.
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