The Scientist's View


Some festive items from the Blade

I was coming back from a late workout last night and picked up a Blade. For my out of town hetero readers, it is a free gay newspaper. So they have a Bitch Session and this week had a couple of festive entries:

Please help keep our steam room clean: Swallow!

Gays might as well stay home this week because their ain't no cherries left in this town.

Perhaps the most interesting was a letter to the editor entitled: Stop reinforcing racist stereotypes.

Ostensibly this was about NAACP honoring Isaiah Washington after his Grey's Anatomy "debacle". I'll type out the first paragraph for the purposes of reference.

How dare Kirchik [the author] state that "homophobia is especially prevalent among African-Americans"? There is no data to support such an arguement. The results of the study he cites reveal the opposite: Balcks are more likely than whites to support civil rights for GLBT people. While it is revealed in the same study that blacks are more likelyto view homosexuality as immoral, this view is not synonomous with homophobia (which is based upon fear and hatred). As a black lesbian, most of the homophobia I have endured since coming out has been at the hands of whites, not blacks. It's a shame how the mainstream gay press often creates and reinforces negative stereotypes of blacks as homophobes and bigots.

Remember - If you discriminate by saying gays are immoral, that is not hate - it is a theological discussion. Being called a sinner by other black people is not hate - it is just a personal belief because you are wrapping yourself in God's love and His Word.

Give me a fucking break. Hateful speach is hateful whether you use God as the excuse or not. Someone needs to get this womyn out of PC-land and into reality.

Oh and if you call people nappy headed hos and you are white that is hate - BUT - if you say that and are black, the same advertisers will support you on BET. That is the principle at work here. It is not the hateful message (note hip-hoppers can call women everything under the sun and the advertisers keep pouring in the cash), it is the person who delivers the hateful message that makes it "hateful". Had Imus been Al Sharpton would this have even cause a ripple? Of course not - when we have gotten to the point that the content of the message is completely enmeshed in who said it, things have probably gotten a bit out of hand.


At 11:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm waiting to Al Sharpton to apologize for his comments regarding the Duke Lacrosse players.


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