The Scientist's View



While I feel that HRC may do some things that are right....they sure do alot that is wrong. Chris Crain brings up another item in a litany of things that HRC should be paying attention to and is not.

I bring this up, not only because Chris is right, but also because the HRC sponsored an LBGT oriented "debate" on gay issues (in LA....where else?) which was then recycled by the Advocate into a puff-piece on Hillary Clinton. I subscribed to the Advocate for Bubba, that must have been years ago! And they keep sending it to me with no renewal. Well the most recent issue, that came during my fab trip to Rehoboth , has Hillary on the front and lots of HRC plugs.


Cross-marketing is a reality, I know - but come-the-fuck-on. The general election is 14 months away and the Advocate is doing a breathless article about Hillary at the behest of HRC. I threw the Advocate away immediately. Not even worthy of recycling. Pure rubbish. Am I to believe that gays are actually a political force in the nation? Maybe in the urban centers of Atlanta, NYC, DC, LA, SF, Chicago there is the need to pander to the gays - but at a nationwide level? Taking a nationwide view, the gays are trivial as a political force (i.e. the number of votes). But they do donate money and this is where the HRC is whoring the gays. We are being sold down the river for fundraising. And the gays play into this wholeheartedly.

Joe is using gay capital to become a lobbying force. Not using the bully-pulpit as should be done. Nope, he is doing slick marketing to the homos and then he parlays those dollars into access with Hillary.

Chris Crain's point was clear and simple. Gay rights are not being taken care of at a local level. I have seen Hillary and Barak and John Edwards in my own neighborhood in Des Moines - but not Joe. We should see Joe here because they just legalized Gay Marriage for 12 hours in Polk County,Iowa...until the inevitable judicial stay was put on it. So if Hillary can trot out here every week for this, that, and the other - why can't Joe do that? Particularly for the pipe dream "Gay Marriage" issue which HRC pimps endlessly. This is really fucking simple - HRC is not worried about the small skirmishes (Iowa??), they are worried about bribing DC politicians to effect change. And that requires bucks, lots and lots of bucks.

HRC is just a lobby like the AFL-CIO and Teachers' Union which whores their membership to the Democrats. If Joe cannot schlep his bony ass out here to the hinterlands for a cause that HRC is "so committed" to when Hillary and Barak are endlessly making their appearences, then what is the point?

This begs the question "But who is providing these bucks"? I would posit that it is all those homos I saw in Rehoboth this past weekend. HRC has done a wonderful job of taking money from homos and turning those pocket-picking events into a status symbol. While this may be the norm, this does not mean that it is acceptable. I refuse to believe that the HRC pimped via the Advocate for Hillary was not planned. And planned 14 months in advance? If it was July 2008, do you think that Hillary would be on the cover of the Advocate? Surely not. Joe is using the gay capital to score a coup with Hillary before the campaign starts in earnest. He gets his access with the dollars of the gays wanting to look good at the all-important HRC events but he does not get that access at the correct time. Hillary can be on the cover of the Advocate now because it doesn't matter at this point in the election cycle. Let's do a little experiment - let's see how gay positive Hillary is in the summer of 2008....I'll guess that when the votes REALLY start to matter, the 1% of the nation who is gay will not be as interesting. At that point, the real dollars and the real votes will be prioritized. Meanwhile, what about the day-to-day gay issues?

The strategy is so overt that it borders on a travesty. But rich queens will pay Joe to rub elbows with Hillary at the initial phases of the cycle. Will the gays hold Joe's feet to the fire when push comes to shove next summer? Don't hold your breath.

We need a national gay organization that stands up for us 365 days of the year. Not playing cat and mouse with the election cycle. Gay rights are human rights. We all are familiar with the Equal Protection Clause and our basis for political discourse should radiate from this facet of the law, not fund raising cycles or the whims of the political climate. Chris Crain's blog entry was a clear example of that.....when your leaders are busy sucking the dick of any politician who will whip it out, then you are reduced to being a lobby. And not in the good way. You become a whore.

Shame on you Joe.


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