DC Madam
Sadly, I had to work very late on Friday (did not get home until 9:30pm) and I was wiped out. So I missed the DC Madam's little appearance on 20/20. Doesn't look like there was much to it....Drudge has a total of zero names this morning.
I guess the "liberal media" isn't so liberal when there are bi-partisan interests.
Of particular note, the gag order on the DC Madam put in place by an ACTIVIST JUDGE.
In the land of the free and home of the brave, since when did a judge get to decide to muzzle a person trying to pay for their own defense? What's next - debtor's prison?
1. I thought that people were innocent until proven guilty and that people in this country are free to make their own informed decisions. What exactly did the DC Madam do that was different than Jeff Gannon? Both were just trying to make a little cash by selling some companionship. I would say that Jeff was more guilty because he was OVERTLY selling sex (he did put his beer can on the web) whereas the DC Madam was not explicitly selling anything. She was scheduling a connection and taking a service fee. While it is clear that she was walking a very fine line - there is no indication that she was overtly peddling sex for money.
2.Note this Madam has no money because the government seized and froze all of her assets. The government's mindset: Those assets are "supposedly" generated by illegal activities and thus available for seizure.
Hey I have an idea for the government, if the DC Madam's house can be seized under this rationale - HOW ABOUT THE 20 MILLION ILLEGAL ALIENS? EACH ONE OF THEM HAS COMMITTED MULTIPLE FELONIES - WHY DON'T YOU SEIZE ALL OF THEIR ASSETS???!!!
Its not the enforcement of the law so much as the SELECTIVE enforcement.
3. ABC News - Its May, its sweeps, and all I heard this week was that ABC was going to "name names". Hell, I was going to watch it. Sounded like the juiciest thing to hit DC since Monica. But alas, nothing. If ABC actually did name names, then it might have to go to court for contempt since there is an existing gag order on the DC Madam. The network media needs to grow some fangs.....oh, I mean they should. But being owned by multinational corporations, this sort of cantankerous reporting might hurt earnings. God forbid anything stand in the way of earnings. A bunch of whores.
I wish that the DC Madam would put the names on a server in the Bahamas and charge a buck a name. Kinda like a naughty little iTunes - I'd buy 20 names. It would help her generate some revenue for her defense and provide the rest of us with a useful diversion.
I mean, its not like anyone will be surprised that a congressman paid for sex. The only person who is safe from this scandalette is Barney Frank by my estimation!
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