The Scientist's View



Well since I am moving the whole family to Iowa for some wholesome living, I might just have to put down the cocktail and get back to my roots. I grew up fishing with my dad and I always enjoyed it. Sadly this aspect of my life has been under-developed in recent years. Well now that I am moving to the heartland, I am going to pick it back up. I was pleasantly surprised to note that Iowa has self-sustaining trout streams in the northeastern corner of the state. Additionally there is a wide variety of fish to catch in the rest of the state. Bubba noted a large number of streams and creeks when we drove in the country of Iowa around Guernsy where my great-grandmother spent almost all of her life. So I look forward to lake fishing and golf before the cold weather starts up and then trout fishing and football in the Fall.

Channel catfish


Northern pike and a hot fisherman!

Rock bass

Largemouth bass

Flathead catfish - these things are UGLY

Trout and cavemen - Jimbo, isn't this like a caveman version of the Charlie's Angels posters from the 70s??


Brook trout - This guy looks like Weatherwoof in outdoor drag!

Rainbow trout and a hot potential hubby for Hot Mama


At 1:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ummmm - what exactly are are you showing in these pictures? I mean, there are some pretty fine catches there, but why are they all holding fish?

At 8:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What?!!? I don't know 'bout him... its not very big (and you know what they say, "small fish, small.... "). But the legs do have potential... hmm....

At 9:19 AM, Blogger Michael said...

fishing...sure...but golf?

no!!! say it isn't so!


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