The Scientist's View


Iowa visitors

Well Bubba and I figured that when we moved to the heartland, no one would ever come to visit us....Des Moines (The DSM) not the middle of nowhere, but west of town, you can see it.

So we took a month or two to get settled and that phase has ended and now we are having guests!!!
1. Hot mama is staying with us this weekend for a quick visit. Love Hot Mama - she is fresh back from a fun wedding and has the hankering for some beef - I hope the Midwest will not disappoint.
2. The 'rents are coming in October for a visit. My dad grew up in the Midwest, the oldest of eight, was acutally born 1.5 hrs east of The DSM. Apparently I have a million second and third cousins all over eastern Iowa - although I would never know them if I saw them. He is kind of excited about cruising about Iowa. Mom will love to see my cat and do some shopping at the Farmer's Market.
3. Delicate Flower has just made his reservations for Thanksgiving!!! So excited. I'll take him down to the Saddle for a night of cocktails at the bar where you "never have to ask for a double".

Perhaps this picture below will be DF after a night of the high life in The DSM????
Anyone know who is passed out? It is not me...This was a pic from the summer that was passed along to me which I have hesitated putting on the web. DF, my conscience in this regard, said that I should post it.


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