The Scientist's View


My first arch-nemsis

I had my first all out gay tantrum at work yesterday.

One notable quote "I KNOW she did not just call one of my employees and think she could tell them what to do - That is MY job."

Kind of had some wild mood swings this week - think it is the impending arrival of Fall. Here in the Midwest, the rains came thru Thusday night and yesterday was a mix of clouds and sun and coolish. Today is a perfect football day - cool morning, crystal blue sky, bright yellowish sunlight, and a very light breeze. These are the days that you have to take off the day from work for....when I was a post-doc I would do that.

I was in Atlanta at the time and I had a long drive to UGA....some mornings the weather in Spring was so pretty that it was a crime to go to work. So I would get my lungs full of a few breaths of that fresh Spring air and pronounce it too pretty to go to work.

For those of you who don't know me personally, I love to move around. I can't sit still very long and I love to see what is going on. So those days in the ATL, I would drive around and get coffee, walk in the park, shop, etc. Due to our technological advances, we often separate ourselves from the weather - which is good for the most part. But I can only imagine what the Native Americans would have thought on a day like today - probably had a specific word for it too. Not us Americans....its just another day to work or errands....I often rate days on their perfection and today is the prettiest day I have seen since (oddly) July 2 - which is the day that we left DC to move here. The weather in DC was nice but not particularly notable - but once you crossed the foothills and got into central Maryland - the weather was gorgeous. So today is a top ten weather day for 2007. And likely a top 5 when I stop to think about it.

So for those of you in the East, some FANTASTIC weather is headed your way. Unless Gabrielle has a difference of opinion. Keep an eye on Weatherwoof's blog for details.


At 7:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's hope so. Today's weather was not fun for rugby.

As for your tantrum, it'll take a while to adjust to the new job. I give about a 6-month window of self-allowance for tantrums when getting a new job or moving to a new place.


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