The Scientist's View



Well I am in the doghouse. Looks like I have developed an allergy to wine (which is bad news for those of you who know me) - by process of elimination (and Bubba thinks that I have no commmon sense) I have deduced that my evening congestion and morning sniffles are not due to the dog or the cat or the house or anything else. It would appear that it is wine - and red wine in particular. The conclusive proof arrived last night as I had a few glasses of Sangiovese Rose (horrible horrible horrible) which is not techincally red wine but it does possess more tannins than white and less than red.

So I was blogging and sipping and after a glass, I started to sneeze. Now I have not sneezed/wheezed in the evening (or morning) for some time. The last time it was noticeable was when my parents were here and we drank alot of red wine. So it got worse as the evening went along - and now I know. I am probably allergic to the tannins....some people get headaches, other intestinal drama, and I sound like I am getting the flu.

Well you can imagine that I do not make a good bed partner in this condition...Bubba was kept up by me much of the night and is not pleased with me today. Looks like my red wine days are numbered!

Bubba is currently at the Des Moines Marathon....he is going to watch the elite runners. I am still sneezing and wheezing and trying to get enough energy together to get to work for a few hours.

I am flitting about the net this a.m. trying to figure out when it begins to snow in Iowa. Some say Halloween can be white and others say that it is usually around Veteran's Day - definitely by Thanksgiving. The web was of no use in this regard....where are all the weather queens when I need them???

So I decided to look at more smutty blogs and found this funny comic from some porn-centric blog on Jimbo's blogroll.

I also happened to find a snappy blog with a great name: Faggoty-Ass Faggot. Give it a read.

Let's hope that I get out of the doghouse soon - its starting to get cold and I need my evening snuggles.


At 8:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I get mild congestion when I drink red wine too, and it totally dries me up. So I limit it to a glass or two.

At 6:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You could also have a sensitivity to the sulfites (present in red and white) in wine which compounds with an allergy to some organics in the red.

For the science geeks:

At 11:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

One, honey stop drinking that cheap shit.
Two, who needs wine when we have the hard stuff? I mean not that you or I are known to partake in hard libations (cough), but if you develop an allergy to vodka, then it is time to panic!


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