The Scientist's View



Well after last night's fiesta - Bubba finally made it home at some point. I was long asleep - preparing myself for a fun little ski adventure today.

I got up at 7:30am, made coffee, Linus and I went to the park (he got in several scrapes today at the park - Spring is coming and Linus is feeling alpha-ish), packed the ski bag, and jetted over to pick up Delicate Flower (DF) from his Glover Park hideaway.

DF was waiting (apparently his place was a houseful of drunken heteros passed out on anything soft - I am so glad I am out of my 20s and those days are behind me) and we ran up Wisconsin to I-270 and out to Whitetail for some skiing. Delicate Flower is so fab. We talked to Chaka a bunch on the way up.

Side note: Chaka had surgery and is in recovery in Pittsbugh at his Dad's place for a week or so. Surgery went well and the Percotinis are apparently MONEY.

DF and I were skiing all afternoon - one of the the ski lift guys was so fucking hot - I mean, really fucking hot. And totally straight. I was in heat.

Anyways - the day was gorgeous. 40s and a little breeze and nice deep blue sky. The views of the valley were great - the Hagerstown area still is covered in snow so it was really a great ski day - particularly for mid-March.

DF and I bonded. Love him. The ride back had more Chaka chat - DF thought that Chaka's needed another percocet because Chaka was a bit grumpy.

Bubba was finally feeling more human when I got home. He did 4 Irish Car Bombs (that he can remember) and ALOT of beer last night. He was a party machine. And today - he was a fixture on the couch. Good thing I was out skiing. He got plenty of nap time.

Jimbo could not join (he had D&D) and PNJ was out of commision from the pub crawl as well. Its a strange day when I am the sober one - but it was good times.

I have got to get back to blogging seriously - I have totally missed Sullivan's HRC meltdown, the Peter Pace drama, and the HRCs really bitchy Blade comments about Sullivan. Damn- I might have to take a personal day to catch up!

Hope everyone will be enjoying Spring as the weather warms this week. The saucer Magnolias are just about ready, the crocus are out and the daffodils need just one or two more warm days. I saw some cherries out in full-bloom in the District - so just a few weeks and the cherries and dogwoods will be in full bloom!


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